Is completing CDP a time burden on you and your colleagues?

The time and resource burden differs from one organisation to another, for some it’s weeks others it’s months, for some 2-3 people others up to 20. The common theme is CDP takes a lot of time and resources to complete.

With EA you can say goodbye to the tedious hunt for answers and evidence. Let AI do the heavy lifting, presenting you with comprehensive responses ready for your review and approval. Our customers using EA to respond to CDP have saved up to 90% of the time previously dedicated to completing it.

Find out more

How to complete CDP with EA

1. Click the “Generate CDP” button within the EA app and select the industries and commodities you want to respond to.

2. EA leverages all the information in your evidence library to complete the CDP questionnaire in an easy-to-read format.

3. Based on your usual process, assign AI-generated answers to different colleagues for review and modification or send responses to another colleague for final approval.

4. Download the completed PDF from the EA platform and copy and paste the final responses into the CDP platform.

Why use EA for CDP?

✅ Answers written in CDP required formality

✅ Responses provided in the same layout as CDP

✅ Ability to search hundreds of documents for the best evidence.

Get the most from EA

If you’re using EA to complete your CDP reporting you can have our ESG Analyst team review your submission from the previous year in order to provide a list of evidence you’ll need to upload into your evidence library. 

Our team will identify any out of date documents or any documents we’d expect to be updated prior to you running your submission. If you’d like to take advantage of this just let your account manager know you plan to run your CDP submission.

We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have questions, feedback, or are ready to explore how EA can transform your sustainability reporting, don’t hesitate to reach out. Get in touch today and let’s embark on this journey together toward a more sustainable future.